Saturday, May 8, 2010

Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

Saturday, May 8th, was a day of big decisions for the NCAA ballers to stay another year or make the huge leap to the Pros. This is the time that every athlete waits for throughout their whole life. Kentucky's all-stars, John Wall and DeMarcus Cousins, will enter the draft after playing just one year at the college level. Other players entered their names into the draft to test the water, but later pulled their name out in order to work on their game for one more year before going to the NBA. Players such as, Jimmer Fredette from BYU and Duke's star Kyle Singler, are some of the many that are returning for their senior season. The athletes who chose stayed in the Draft will have the experience of a lifetime on June 24th when the picks will start to be made their dream of making it to the pros may become a reality.

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