Sunday, June 27, 2010

Cup Unknown

Every 4 years the world puts aside their differences and plays.  Fútbol, Soccer, whatever you want to call it, it is all the same.  The World Cup has been played since the year 1930, in Uruguay, now 80 years later it is all the way down in South Africa.  Spectators from all across the World travel thousands of miles to cheer on their country.  The 2006 World Cup Champion, Italy, has been eliminated by Slovakia, but with Brazil, who is the most winning team in the World with 5 World Cup Titles, is facing Chile in the round of 16 to try and advance to the Quarterfinals.  The World Cup is an event that converts Soccer-Haters into Soccer-Lovers.  No matter who is playing everyone will pick their favorite to win, but it will still be a fight until the end.

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